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6 things this blog is not about

Okay, so here's the deal. I am not exactly sure what this blog will include. So I decided to tell you what this blog will not include to make my life a little bit easier. Also, it gives me space to add new categories and content in the future.

So without further ado, here are 6 things this blog is not about

1. "How-to" posts

Although these posts are the most helpful and perhaps, the most attractive posts for readers out there, I will not be including them in my blog. To be quite honest the only reason I won't even attempt to write one of these is the fact that I cannot do anything special. With all of these amazing "how-to" posts published on the internet, I do not think I have anything to offer in that area. Or at least not right now. I am just a newbie. And that's alright because we all learn along the way.

2. Reviews containing spoilers

The easiest way to get on my black list is to spoil a book, tv show, movie or whatever else that could be spoilt. Seriously, it is the single most annoying thing on earth. Therefore, I would never add any spoilers in my book reviews. And if a spoiler is crucial to the review itself I will make sure there are disclaimers everywhere. Do not worry.

3. Personal posts

For the simple fact that my life is not adventurous in any way and I refuse to bore you with my very normal life. You are welcome.

4. English books only

I am one of the blessed people who call themselves bilinguals. Therefore, I do not want this blog to discuss and review only English books because a little diversity never hurts anyone. Of course, the reviews will be in English. This way all of you unilinguals out there could get an insight to literature in other cultures.

5. Beauty posts

I mean this one is pretty obvious. Book corner! Duh! I may not know what each post will talk about right now, but I know for sure that they will be mainly about books. No lipstick swatches are to be expected here.

6. Big Chunky reviews

If you are anything like me then you probably do not like book reviews that are just set out in one or two big paragraphs. The problem with reviews like these is that they seem over informed that my mind starts to daydream. Some people like them, but honestly they are not my cup of tea and I do not like writing things that I wouldn't read. Instead I prefer the list-style when writing book reviews.

And there you have it, 6 things this blog is not about. I might go back and add things along the way if I found more, but for now these will do.

Now that you know what not to expect, stick around for more unexpected posts.

Peace out.

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